Club Rules

As adopted November 13, 2004, and amended on November 8, 2010, July 27, 2014, and December 7, 2014 

In order for as many members as possible to enjoy our Club, there must be some limits on what any one of us may do. The Board of Directors believes that a Club such as ours should have as few rules as possible, while still insuring the right of each member to enjoy the Club is preserved. These rules are intended to protect the integrity of Rockwell Springs as a premier fishing club and your cooperation in observing them is essential to the well being of the Club and its members. 

Club Rules Print Version

Membership, Admissions, and Member Accounts

  • Classes
  • Nominations
  • Fees and Dues
  • Member Accounts
1.1 There are six classes of membership - Senior, Senior Emeritus, Junior, Social, Non-Resident, and Member Emeritus. Rockwell Springs Trout Club does not have corporate or family memberships. All memberships are recorded in an individual's name. Transfers of memberships are permitted only to family members, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The spouse of any member is entitled to the use of the Club's facilities, at whatever level the member is entitled, except for fishing privileges. Member's spouses who wish to fish will be charged the daily guest fee unless the member has paid the Annual Family Fishing Fee.

A. A Senior Membership is the standard membership in the Club and requires payment of the entire Senior Member initiation fee and Senior Membership dues. Senior Members have full use of the Club's facilities and voting rights at the Annual Meeting.

B. A Senior Member whose age, added to the number of years they have been a member of the Club, totals at least 100, may request to become a Senior Emeritus member. The annual dues for Senior Emeritus Members are set at 1/3 of the Senior Membership dues. The number of Senior Emeritus Memberships may be limited by the Board of Directors. In the event that there are more requests for Senior Emeritus status than there are openings available, the members with the highest total of age plus years as a member, will receive the available openings. Senior Emeritus Members have full use of the Club's facilities but do not have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors may set a higher transfer fee for the family members of members who elect Senior Emeritus status.

C. A Junior Membership is available to applicants 39 years old or younger. Junior Members must pay the same initiation fee as Senior Members, but will be permitted to pay the initiation fee in installments according to a schedule determined by the Board of Directors. The annual dues for Junior members are set at 1/2 of the Senior Membership dues. Junior Members have full use of the Club's facilities but do not have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. Junior Members must complete their initiation fee payment during the year in which they reach their 40th birthday. At the beginning of the dues year in which they reach their 41st birthday they will become Senior Members and begin paying full Senior Membership dues.

D. Social Memberships are available to individuals who do not wish to fish at the Club but would like to use the other facilities. Social Members must pay 1/4 of the Senior Membership initiation fee. Social Member dues are set at 100% of the Senior Member dues. Social Members have full use of the Club's facilities except for fishing and do not have voting rights at the Annual Meeting.

E. A Senior or Junior Member may request a transfer to Non-Resident Membership status upon satisfying the following requirements:

1. Must be current member in good standing with a minimum of five consecutive years of membership. Must be current member in good standing with a minimum of five consecutive years of membership.
2. Must have permanent residence and principal place of employment beyond a radius of 250 miles from the Club grounds and a temporary residence within that radius for no more than 30 days per year.

The annual dues for Junior Non-resident Members are set at 1/2 of the Junior Membership dues. Non-Resident Members have full use of the Club's facilities but do not have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. A Non-Resident Member who no longer satisfies the residency criteria for Non-resident Membership will revert to the applicable membership.

F. Emeritus Memberships may be granted by the Board of Directors to individuals who have served the Club in an extraordinary manner. The terms of such memberships will be determined by the Board of Directors. 

Governance and Rules Enforcement

  • Annual Meeting
  • Board of Directors
  • Officers and Committees
  • Monitoring of Rules
  • Enforcement Procedures

Fishing Rules

  • Fishing Privileges
  • Catch and Release
  • Fishing Tackle, Methods and Procedures

General Rules

  • Guests
  • Children
  • Fishing Groups
  • Charges and Gratuities
  • Drinking
  • Clothing
  • Personal Behaviour
  • Prohibited Acts
  • Dogs and Other Pets
  • Handicapped Parking